Wandering in Wellesley!

Welcome to this new adventure! There’s no narrative. No order. No rush. Just you!

Explore the wilds of Wellesley from anywhere and pick up a few takeaways for when you get back out there. Wellesley’s waiting for you, wanderer!


This program responds to several commands listed in the word bank! The word bank can be found in the upper left hand corner, alongside the map. You can toggle their display on and off by clicking their buttons.

To move around in and interact with the world, you can combine phrases from the word bank with corresponding items. Items that can be interacted with will be in bold print and marked by an abbreviation in parenthesis. The abbreviation will let you know which phrase to type to interact.

Example 1
You read: A lone bench shelters under the branches of several different trees(E).
You type: examine trees
You will type 'examine' because the E in trees(E) stands for 'examine' in the word bank. You will type 'trees' because 'trees' is in bold print.

Example 2
You read: You can go Northwest to Paramecium Pond or Up to the Kettle. You type: northwest
You type: up
This is a sentence with two paths so you can pick which direction you'd prefer.

Hit the 'enter' button on your keyboard to submit your commands!

Note: Once you've finished exploring a path, scroll back up to your last visited location and continue the adventure!

Welcome to the game!

Paulson Initiative 2021

Created by: Ryan Rowe '23